‘SHE’ The Radio Station here in Florida Adds an entire new lineup in the broadcast.
Album Rock has been the new focus here at SHE studios.
Deep Cuts of classic rock music that you Never-Knew-Existed!
Perhaps you’ve forgotten, or maybe never let your ears travel outside of the Mainstream Flash-in-the-Pan broadcast over the last 40 years.
Florida host’s ‘SHE’ WSHE Miami/Ft. Lauderdale to its Classic Rock Genre of music streaming Live in High-Def directly to your computer/mobile device.
Many and Most of The SHE Disc Jockeys from the old days have moved-on to other professions since WSHE sold out in 1996.
Names you may recall like; Sonny Fox, Skip Herman, Gary Martin, Jim Mcbean, Ron Hersey and others are NO Longer apart of ‘SHE’
Currently, we have managed to retain a couple of our most Seasoned-Senior dee-jays from the 1960s, Back when The ‘Van Patrick’ ownership of WSHE & WSRF dominated South Florida radio audience.

Get-it-Now !
This would include Crates & Crates of Albums, Singles, Tapes and Carts.

… When was the last time you saw a Reel-To-Reel Deck in a Radio Station?
We Have Loads of Fun With You All, Hanging Out in The Studio, Broadcasting ON-AIR and Conversing With All of You!
We commonly hear from former SHE Disc Jocks from back-in-the-day, and always adds a Smile to our day!
We are obligated to inform Everyone Pertaining to a Counterfeit Online Presence using the name ‘SHE’ & ‘RADIO’ attempting to mislead you, confuse or red-direct your attention.
(please beware)